

Following my friend Yining Ye, and inspired by Wandai Blog who kept this habit for more than 10 years, I started to write a simple sentence-level daily log to deal with my pressure during Ph.D. study. I hope I can keep this habit for a long time.

After the painful lesson of forgetting to commit my code last week, I spent some time today writing a script to automatically commit and tag the code each time I run an experiment.

def save_git_patch(run_dir: Path):
    # create temperate commit, tag, then reset back
    from git import Repo

    repo = Repo(search_parent_directories=True)
    # if working tree is clean, return
    if not repo.is_dirty():
        repo.git.tag("run/" + "/".join(run_dir.parts[-4:]))
        "-m", "[TEMPORY]" + "/".join(run_dir.parts[-4:]), "--no-gpg-sign", "--no-verify"
    repo.git.tag("run/" + "/".join(run_dir.parts[-4:]))
    repo.git.reset("--mixed", "HEAD~1")

Also spend some time updating my homepage for the daily log (this page).

After a project meeting in the late night, it feels like I’m about to work OT every day again.